Saeed is a Postdoctoral Researcher, working with Arkajit at the Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University. His present research focuses on understanding quantum transport in materials coupled to confined radiation mode. Saeed's research interest spans a broad array of subjects including materials physics, condensed matter physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science.
Saeed did his Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Michael Kolodrubetz at the University of Texas, Dallas. His thesis was titled "Paths to Non-ergodic Quantum Dynamics: From Cavity QED to Strong Zero Modes". Prior to this Saeed did his Masters in physics at Skoltech, Russia and did his Bachelors at the Israfan University of Technology, Iran.
Saeed joined Texas A&M as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Aug, 2024.
Postdoc Researcher
(Aug 2024- present)
Ph.D. (Physics)
(2017- 2024)
M.Sc. (Physics)
(2015 - 2017)
B.Sc. (Physics)
(2015 - 2017)